It has been a busy day and I have spent it running around and driving in the rain. My teenage daughter is out of town this week with family and I am alone with my 3 year old tasmanian devil. Normally, she will watch him so I can do little things like bathing or peeing. Until you're a parent of a little one, you don't appreciate these things that now involve a strategic, perfectly executed plan. I also depend on my dog Panchi to clean up BJ's food spills. I'm working hard on teaching BJ table manners. He has a habit of just "discarding" whatever he dislikes off of his plate and simply flinging it over his shoulder with this regal "be gone with you" expression. It's kinda funny though I never let him see me smirk. I pretend to be upset and then I call the dog. She has proven to be a real time saver. I'm thinking Roomba would have made a better name for her.
Evening arrives and it's finally time to prepare our yummy dinner. I'm a walking zombie today so I decide to also make a pot of coffee. I plate and serve the steak and veggies the I have been fantasizing about all day, along with my cup o' joe. As I am about to sit, BJ asks to go potty so I take him on the adventure. When I return, I find that my dog-Roomba has sucked up all my steak and is now half way through my coffee. I gave her the evil eye and briefly pictured her on a plate, disguised as sweet and sour "chicken". Tomorrow is a new day. For now, I will have a slice of ham and cheese and call it a day.
Don't let the sweet face fool ya..
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